New Global Studies

Edited by: Nayan Chanda, Akira Iriye, Bruce Mazlish, and Saskia Sassen


Volume 14 (2020): Issue 2 (Jul 2020)

Special Issue: The Global Riot. Theories – Concepts – Actions;
Guest Editors: Maura Brighenti, Lucía Cavallero, Niccolò Cuppini, and Alejo Stark

The present issue is the result of a collective process of study and confrontation between researchers from different continents which converged at the international workshop we organized, “Riot as a Global Political Concept,” which took place in Buenos Aires from 25–26 October 2018 with the support of the Academy of Global Humanities and Critical Theory.

The past few years have seen a number of “riots” – in Mexico City, Hong Kong, Chile, Ecuador, the United States, Argentina, France, the United Kingdom, and elsewhere. What do they have in common with one another and with other popular upheavals in history? How do they differ? What do they represent as sites of protest, resistance and rebellion? This forum explores the meaning of such riots through the meaning of the term itself, focusing mainly but not exclusively on the Global South, in theory and in the words and actions of rioters and the authorities who act to suppress them. If it is true the world has entered a “new age of riots,” citizens and scholars must begin to reach some conceptual clarity of what a global riot is, and seeks to become.