Valentina Marconi

Ph.D. student in Global Studies, University of Urbino (Italy)

Valentina Marconi’s work examines policies and practices of border violence across the European Union. In her multi-sited analysis, she looks at different manifestations of border violence and the forms of individual and collective resistance they entail. As part of her research, she did fieldwork in the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla and carried out both in-person and online interviews to collect accounts on illegalised practices of border crossing along the main migratory routes leading to the EU territory. Currently, Valentina is a PhD student in Global Studies at the University of Urbino (Italy) and holds a MSc in Arab world studies from Durham University (UK). Before starting her doctoral studies, she co-authored two documentaries on migration: ‘Barcelona: ready to welcome?’ and ‘Violent borders, an investigative documentary on the Balkan route’.