Short term research period at University of Virginia for UNIBO faculty


The Academy announces a call for application for one short period residency (1 week) at the University of Virginia for Unibo faculty members

Selected faculty member is expected to give one lecture and moderate a one-day seminar in the hosting university on a topic of her/his choice.

The Academy will cover costs for travel and accommodation and will provide a honorarium of 500 euros.

Proposals (in English) must be summited at by APRIL 15, 2020. They must include:

• Detailed CV
• Statement of purpose (please state also research interest + faculty, research groups or institutions at UVA which applicants might be interested to stay in touch with)
• Time framing (between October 2020 and April 2021)
• Title and abstract for both the lecture and the seminar

Deadline: April 15, 2020