Origins of Modern Sovereignty and Its Current Transformations

July 3, 2017
7.30 - 9.00 pm
Archiginnasio – Sala dello Stabat Mater


Carlo Galli is Full Professor in History of Political Thought at the Department of History, Culture, Civilization of the University of Bologna, since 2009 he is president of the Foudation Istituto Gramsci Emilia Romagna, and since 2013 a member of the Italian Parliament. His research field concerns the history of modern and contemporary political thought. He published books and articles on the Frankfurt School, french catholic theorists of counter-revolution, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Weber, Arendt, Strauss, Voegelin, Löwith, Jünger, Schmitt, Vitoria (also translating several texts by the last three authors). He has also worked on a variety of research projects on some key concepts of political theory, such as authority, representation, technics, State, war, ethics, nature, politics, totalitarianism, modernity, foreign/citizen, nihilism, evil, space, globalization, multiculturalism, right/left, political theology, democracy. Among his important and pivotal books are Genealogia della politica. Carl Schmitt e la crisi del pensiero politico moderno (Il Mulino, 2010) and Political Spaces and Global War (University of Minnesota Press, 2010) His works has been translated in English, French, German, Spanish